
Weight of our SOUL

 Weight of our Soul .ہماری روح کا وزن لاس اینجلس کے ڈاکٹر ابراہام نے انسانی روح کا وزن معلوم کرنے  کے لئیے تجربات کرنے کا ارادہ کیا۔ انہوں نے نزع کے شکار لوگوں پر تقریباً پانج سال میں بارہ سو تجربے کیے. اس سلسلے میں انہوں نے شیشے کے باکس کا ایک انتھائی حساس ترازو بنایا، وہ مریض کو اس ترازو پر لٹا دیا کرتے تھے، مریض کے جسم کے مختلف اعضاء کا وزن کرتے، اس کی پھیپھڑوں کی آکسیجن کا وزن کرتے ان کے جسم کا وزن کرتے اورپھر اس کے مرنے کا انتظار کرتے مرنے کے فوراً بعد اس کا وزن نوٹ کرتے۔ ڈاکٹر ابراہام نے سینکڑوں تجربات کے بعد  کھلم کھلا اعلان کیا کہ...  "انسانی روح کا وزن 21 گرام ہے" ابراہام کا ماننا تھا کہ اپنے ان تجربات کے بعد وہ اس نتیجے پر پہنچے ہیں کہ انسانی روح اس 21 گرام آکسیجن کا نام ہے جو پھیپھڑوں کے کونوں، کھدروں، درزوں اور لکیروں میں چھپی رہتی ہے، موت ہچکی کی صورت میں انسانی جسم پر حملہ کرتی ہے اور پھیپھڑوں کی تہوں میں چھپی اس 21 گرام آکسیجن کو باہر کی جانب دھکیل دیتی ہے اس کے بعد انسانی جسم کے سارے سیل مر جاتے ہیں اور انسان فوت ہوجاتا ہے ۔۔۔!!  ہم نے کبھی سو...

Quranic info about Balckholes

Black Holes بلیک ہولز بلیک ہولز سے متعلق قرآن نے ہمیں چودہ سو سال پہلے ہی بتادیا ۔۔۔ "سورة طارق" اور "سورة واقعہ" میں بلیک ہولز کے بارے میں نشاندہی کی گئی ہے جس کے لیے لفظ "طارق" استعمال ہوا ہے۔ طارق کو آج کی سائنسی زبان میں بلیک ہولز کہا جاتا ہے۔  آج کی سائنس نے ابھی تک دو بلیک ہولز دریافت کیئے ہیں  جن کا نام رکھا گیا۔ S50014+18 اور 500-XTEJ1650 جبکہ قرآن نے "سورة مومنین" میں بتایا ہے کہ ان کی کل تعداد سات ہے۔ اور قرآن نے بلیک ہولز کو ستاروں کے ڈوبنے کی جگہ بھی قرار دیا ہے جسکی تحقیق تک ابھی سائنس نہیں پہنچ پائی۔ "قرآن" یہ بھی بتا چکا ہے کہ اس کائنات جیسی مزید کائناتیں بھی موجود ہیں۔ جنہیں "سورة نوح" میں سات متوازن آسمانوں کا نام دیا گیا۔ اور آج سائنس نے اسے مانا کہ اس جیسی اور بہت سی کائناتیں موجود ہیں جو اس کائنات کے بلکل متوازن ہیں۔ سائنسی اصطلاح میں اسے parallel universes کا نام دیا گیا۔ اور "قرآن" سے ہی ہمیں معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ یہ بلیک ہولز ایک دنیا سے دوسری دنیا تک جانے کا راستہ ہیں۔ مگر اسے تیز ترین بجلی کی سپیڈ...

Importance of self awareness

خودشناسی  Self awareness  ایک دفعہ کا ذکر ہے کہ، چڑیا گھر میں گھنے سایہ دار درخت کے نیچے لیٹے ہوئے اونٹ سے اس کے بچے نے پوچھا،  ابا یہ ہماری کمر پر کوہان کیوں ہے؟ اونٹ نے جواب دیا، بیٹا صحرا میں سفر کرتے ہوئے میلوں دور تک پانی کا نام و نشان تک نہیں ہوتا، ایسے میں قدرت نے ہمارے اندر ایک اضافی خانہ بنا دیا ہے، جس کے ذریعے ہم کئی روز تک صحرا کی بھوک اور پیاس کو برداشت کرسکتے ہیں. اونٹ کے بچے نے حیران ہوتے ہوئے چند لمحے کچھ سوچنے کے بعد کہا، ٹھیک ہے، ہمارے پاؤں گول اور ٹانگیں لمبی کیوں ہوتی ہیں؟  اونٹ نے بچے کو سمجھاتے ہوئے کہا، ہمیں لمبے عرصے تک صحرا میں سفر کرنا پڑتا ہے، جس کے لیے ہمارے پاؤں کی گول ساخت اور لمبی ٹانگیں ہماری مددگار ہوتی ہیں، وگرنہ ہم چلتے چلتے ریت میں دھنس جائیں تو نکلنا دشوار ہوجائے گا. اونٹ کا بچہ سمجھنے والے انداز میں گردن ہلاتے ہوئے کہنے لگا، ابا ہماری آنکھوں کے آگے لمبی لمبی پلکیں کیوں ہیں؟ مجھے تو اکثر ان کی وجہ سے دیکھنے میں دشواری کا سامنا ہوتا ہے. اونٹ نے جواب دیا، بیٹا صحرا میں ہر وقت ریت اور مٹی سے بھری ہوئی ہوائیں چلتی ہیں، یہ لمبی پلکیں، ر...

Comparison and contrast between Macbeth and Banquo

 Macbeth And Banquo (Comparison and contrast) The first and foremost things about Macbeth and Banquo is that they are the trusted generals of Duncan, the king of Scotland and are largely devoted to their loyal lord. The most tangible proof of their devotion to the king is that they go all lengths for pleasing him in the best possible way. The second but very important aspect of their personality is that they are naturally brave soldiers and, along with that, are fully equipped with the knowledge of fighting successful battles against the foes of the country and their Royal lord. We come across both Macbeth and Banquo when they are returning from the battlefield after having quelled a revolt against the king who is very dear to them because of his benevolence and large hearted accommodation . Q uite naturally, they are very happy and the signs of victory are palpably visible on their countenances. It is at this specific moment of psychological elevation that they are accosted on the...

Macbeth as a Tragic Hero

 MACBETH AS A TRAGIC HERO     In the annals of criticism, Macbeth is believed to be technically perfect of all Shakespearean tragic drama and its hero the most perfect delineated tragic figure. Innumerable critics of Shakespeare have the unshakeable view that it is only in this drama that he has scrupulously ventured to mold it on the lines which are traditionally accepted to be those of pure tragedy. So far as Macbeth, the protagonist, is concerned, both technically and thematically, possessed of all those attributes which are strictly required of the major character of a tragic piece of literature. Its most tangible proof is that he has in him what can be dubbed as volition or initiative and, to be true, this is the most distinctive feature of a genuinely tragic figure. It is none but he who himself entertains the ambition of the acquisition of royal power in Scotland in the presence of king Duncan who has always treated him with kind benevolence and large-hearted accom...

Macbeth as a Tragedy

  Macbeth as a TRAGEDY OF Vaulting Many critics of William Shakespear are of the view that Macbeth , as a tragedy, is visibly marked by self-conceited ambition that leads the protagonist to a series of bloody actions and resultantly to his destructive but deserved end. They emphatically say that this drama contains the story of one who marches on the path of bloodshed and faithlessly goes to all lengths for the purpose of giving practical shape to his heinous crimes lying in the deep recesses of his mind. Macbeth, the hero of the drama, appears to have the first visible stroke of ambition when along with Banque, he is victoriously returning from the battlefield. He subdued the revolt against Duncan, the king of Scotland. In other words, he is in a puffed-up state of mind. This state gets further exalted when he is addressed by three weird sisters on the way back to the palace. They address him with titles other than his own. But he literally experiences a state of surprised rupture...

SubjectiveVSObjective Poetry

 Forms of Poetry Poetry has two approaches. *Subjective approach *Objective approach Subjective poetry (Sonnet,Ode,Lyric,Elegy,Satire) A subjective point of view is something based on one's opinion,believes, perspectives discoveries, desires and feelings . It has no concern with right or wrong other than the person's opinion of what is right and wrong. These are person's internal feelings . He shares inner feelings and highlights internal approach in his poetic composition. Third person (I,my,myself) point of view can also be subjective. It is known as Limited omniscience in which a writer knows every detail about a character and sees the whole story through that character's eyes. On a Grecian Urn by Keats,   Sonnet Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day  by Shakespeare are the example of subjective poetry. Subjective poetry is based on OPINION.  Objective poetry (Ballad,Epic,Mock Epic,Idyll,Dramatic Monologue) In objective poetry, the poet acts as a detache...

Literature and it's functions

 General Introduction to Literature-in-English  The term ' literature ' has no specific meaning. It is coined from the Greek word ' literatura ' meaning ' anything printed or written . This shows that literature may be seen as books or writings pertaining to a particular field, e.g science literature, religious literature, legal literature.Literature is divided into two categories: ART FOR THE SAKE OF ART & ART FOR THE SAKE OF LIFE. However, literature, as regarding the field of study, can simply be defined as those writings which have artistic, creative (imaginative) significance. It deals with works written by either poets, novelists or dramatists. Functions of Literature  1. It mirrors the society : Through literary works, the ills and good, rights and wrongs of the society is reflected in order to effect a positive change. 2. It promotes the people's culture: Since literature mirrors the society, it also promotes the cultural heritage of the people who...

Aristotle's Poetics

 Literary Criticism Poetics by Aristotle Aristotle's theory of tragedy is governed by a preoccupation with audience response. Discuss. Aristotle is the fountain-head of literary criticism. In his praiseworthy literary assessment Poetics, he is preoccupied with different literary genres especially Tragedy and we find that even tragedy is governed by a preoccupation with audience response.  Actually, Aristotle strictly connects to the functions of tragedy while defining tragedy and its different constitutional parts. He times and again says that the purpose of tragedy is to teach with the providence of aesthetic pleasure.  This purpose is obtained through the accomplishment of catharsis particularly. Aristotle defines tragedy in these words,  Tragedy is an imitation of an action which is serious and complete; having certain magnitude; embellished with different accessories; in a dramatic not narrative form affecting the emotions of pity and fear resultantly having ...

Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett

 Waiting for Godot By Samuel Beckett Does anything happen in waiting for Godot? Waiting for Godot is the highly controversial play which is praised both as a drama which encompasses the predicaments of human beings since the original sin of man and as an anti-drama in which nothing happens having no story or plot. That is why there is is a line of demarcation between the critics of Beckett. However,if viewed critically and categorically, nothingness is originating something, non-activity is instigating activity and action is stirring from the apparent non-action.  Through the cyclic and linear functioning of the plot, Beckett is driving something more extraordinary which enhances dramatic action, the effect of morality figures and change. Apparently, it seems through the story (believed to be having no plot) that nothing is happening. Two acts seem to be completely photocopy of each other. It happens that two tramps_Estragon and Veladimir_ are caught up in a wicked circle of...