The Rebel by D.J.Enright
THE REBEL By D.J.ENRIGHT Critical analysis of the poem Difference between the two categories of rebels Bring out the element of humor and irony D.J. Enright's portrait of a rebel is keen subtle and witty. Elaborate. In the human world, rebels or nonconformists are usually of two categories. The first category is of those who are intellectually mature and every action of theirs is guided and controlled by a well thought out philosophy or ideology. These rebellous people are really praise worthy in the sense that they have a well defined humanitarian goal before them and make all sort of sacrifices for the particular realization of the goal they fix for themselves in life. About such people, one thing must be kept in mind that they make new apochs and leave lasting imprints in history and on the sands of time. But there is another category of people who, white erroneously are termed as rebels by some non thinking people. These people due to their odd actions in their soc...