The Huntsman by Edward Lowbury
The Huntsman By Edward Lowbury Critical analysis of the poem Theme or Idea of the poem This little cautionary narrative with its turn and counter turn is a good example of black but sick humor. Explain Blend of funny and unfunny aspects of life. Explain Note on the irony founded in this poem Elements of suspense and irony create a shocking impact Role of fate The hunter himself gets hunted in the Huntsman Moral lesson The first and foremost aspect of this poem is that its theme is based on a famous Kenyan folklore. But, despite its geographical alienation, it bears irresistible appeal for all people dwelling in different climes and social background. The thing is that the poetic rendering of this poem is so bewitching that it tends to become a source of universal appeal and fascination. The story of the poem is just this that Kagwa, a huntsman of a certain African tribe, chances to come upon a human skull in forest while hunting a lion with the help of a spear. He addresses ...