Comparison and contrast between Macbeth and Banquo
Macbeth And Banquo (Comparison and contrast) The first and foremost things about Macbeth and Banquo is that they are the trusted generals of Duncan, the king of Scotland and are largely devoted to their loyal lord. The most tangible proof of their devotion to the king is that they go all lengths for pleasing him in the best possible way. The second but very important aspect of their personality is that they are naturally brave soldiers and, along with that, are fully equipped with the knowledge of fighting successful battles against the foes of the country and their Royal lord. We come across both Macbeth and Banquo when they are returning from the battlefield after having quelled a revolt against the king who is very dear to them because of his benevolence and large hearted accommodation . Q uite naturally, they are very happy and the signs of victory are palpably visible on their countenances. It is at this specific moment of psychological elevation that they are accosted on the...